Moravian Workbench Plans (free)

IMG_5650Below are the plans and the PDF version of the original Moravian bench article that was on WK Fine Tools. In the past there have been websites selling this same plan (annoys me to no end) that they hiked from WK. The folks at Old Salem were kind enough to let me examine and measure the original in there collection, they did not charge me anything. The bench is public record as far I am concerned.

Moravian Workbench (CAD)

2012 Article from WK Fine Tools

-Will Myers

19 thoughts on “Moravian Workbench Plans (free)

  1. I bought your DVD on building the bench. Don’t have enough praise to say about it. It’s true I am only an enthousiast beginner. Probably for an experimented woodworker there is no challenge to it but for me it was pure joy. I have an easy question… how would you tru the edge of a 8-10 foot board (1 1/2 thick) ? Is it why i see holes on one of the leg?

    Thank you again


  2. Question…
    Do you think, if it is my only bench that a sliding deaman would be a good idea? Or Something else to old the boards…


    1. I intended to add a dead man to this bench when I first built it but have found I really have not needed it.A hold fast in the right front leg works great or if the work is too short to reach the leg a block of wood clamped to the front stretcher for support is all that is needed.


  3. Of all of the woodworking videos I have purchased, this is the best. I am presently looking at sourcing the wood necessary to build it.


  4. I wrote a few articles for WKFT as well, but after a lot of back and forth, it became obvious to me that our personalities and philosophies did not mesh well at all, so I stopped.

    I am curious as to what his plans are for all of the information he’s gathered from people over the years. I never transferred over any intellectual property rights, or photography rights, for that matter. I’m wondering if you feel the same way about anything you’ve submitted?


  5. Thank you so much for putting this information into the public domain, Will. It has inspired me to build a bench like this! Kind regards David Knight, UK


  6. Will, Did you happen to save the WKFT article on the ratchet system/hardware you made for the bottom of the leg vise?


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