Herman Has Arrived

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Most of the workbenches we have built in the past three French Oak Roubo Project builds I do not get to see in there completely finished forms. When the builds have concluded the benches leave at about 95% completion but without the final touches that you can it call done.

Horace Gordon of Florida who participated in FORP 3 sent a few photos his workbench he just finished to his usual level of perfection. His bench even has a name, Herman. Maybe I should be thinking of a name for my bench, might be a trend!IMG_7332IMG_7336

You can view more photos of Horace’s bench build here.

-Will Myers

4 thoughts on “Herman Has Arrived

  1. Thank you! My rough calculation is a little over 400 lbs. I thought about it as I was assembling it, and I weighed myself with and without holding each of the 4 legs. They all weighed between 23 and 25 lbs. Doing a cubic inches take-off of the slab and chop, and adding 50 lbs for the shelf materials and vice hardware, I arrived at 412. It’s heavy. The bench is 9′ 4″ long.


  2. Is that a extra bit of oak added to the tenon in that picture from above the vice?

    Not meaning to sound critical, I just like spotting little tricks of the trade like that.


  3. Mark, no criticism taken. Good eye and good question. The answer is yes – there are tiny wedges all around the tenons. It’s virtually impossible to have a perfect fit on something this massive. I posted pics on Instagram about 4 days ago that show before and after pics with the little wedges.


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